Dear WAxit followers, members, and candidates.
What a year has 2020 been!
The difficulties faced by our great State of Western Australia during this time have been many. However, they have awoken within the community an understanding that we can go it alone as a nation in our own right and that our economy and society will be better off. This stimulated the emergence of a WAxit movement committed to achieving this objective.
We have made great progress towards being able to run a serious campaign at the March 2021 State Election. A highlight and a significant milestone has been the merger of the Small Business Party and the WAxit movement to form a registered WAxit Party. This has given us the strength and the vision we need in order to do well.
The WAxit Party is the only political organisation offering a real point-of-difference for voters to consider. We are now well placed to field candidates in all Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council seats in the March 2021 State Election. We look forward to supporting our candidates through this election to gain as many seats as possible. We know that many seats are winnable.
The March 2021 State Election is important. The major political parties are endeavouring to change the electoral laws to make it harder for new parties or small parties to win seats. The March 2021 election might possibly be the last chance for smaller parties to get candidates into Parliament. After they have changed the laws to suit themselves, the major parties will share the spoils at subsequent elections and other political organisations will be excluded.
The WAxit organisation is asking people who support the WAxit objectives to consider helping in some way, by:
Making a donation towards the cost of the campaign (no amount is too small); and/or nominating as a candidate for a seat in State Parliament at the March 2021 State Election; and/or helping out at polling places on election day.
Please continue to share our publications as this will engage the community to build the movement.
We are looking forward to our election campaign firing up from January and we will continue to share more exciting news with you all as we progress through the campaign.
In the meantime, we wish to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas over this festive period and all the very best for the New Year.
The WAxit Party looks forward to your support into 2021.
- Authorised by Russell D Sewell for WAxit Party, 188 Welshpool Road Welshpool 6106 WA.