Dear WAxit followers, members, and candidates,
2020 is almost done and for many it is a year best forgotten. However, 2020 has also been a year to reflect upon.
Western Australia has survived pretty much unscathed during the Covid crisis. Looking back over this time, we have seen our economy improve along with greater demand for our mineral resources. We truly are the lucky ones!
During this time, our great State of Western Australia has again awoken to the reality that we can do it alone as a nation in our own right. While we are historically and culturally identical to our eastern Australian brothers and sisters, many Western Australians now realise that we have become economically marginalised by a Federation that holds us back.
Western Australia has been one of the most protected, prosperous, and lucky regions of the world in this COVID-19 pandemic-dominated year. It has proven, not only to Western Australians, but also to Australia and the rest of the world, that the people of Western Australia would be better off as our own independent nation. An independent survey commissioned by a major political party revealed that 28% of respondents supported the notion of independence for this State. And this was without any suggestion of independence having been canvassed in any public way beforehand.
The WAxit movement emerged from this realisation and a steering committee has been working extremely hard over the past 6 months towards this end. We are confident our endeavors to develop the WAxit movement will have a positive outcome.
The WAxit Party is the only political organisation offering a real point-of-difference for voters to consider in the forthcoming election. Our plan is to address the whole social and economic landscape from the viewpoint of what is best for Western Australians
The major political parties and minor political groups will go to the people with the same old “vanilla flavoured” offerings:
The major parties will continue to be subject to factional interests dominated by their eastern states focused leadership and concentrating on the major population centres. They will continue to strip Western Australia of our share of GST and resource royalties for the benefit of other jurisdictions. We have recently seen how much damage has been done to Western Australian industries by announcements of our Federal leaders.
The minor parties have no ‘big picture’ offering and will continue to present their single-issue policies which will take the State nowhere. The minor parties simply do not have the public support or the platform to offer Western Australia a better future.
WAxit has received good media responses since we launched our case. We will continue to build on this into and throughout 2021 with facts, policy and promotion on how successful Western Australia could be with a WAxit future.
A presence in State Parliament is the only way that we can curb the continuing decline, and our ultimate objective is to be able to form government in our own right.
We are now well placed to field candidates in both Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council seats in the March 2021 State Election. People who support the WAxit objectives, and who are prepared to do the work expected of candidates (and ultimately as Members of Parliament), are encouraged to submit an expression of interest on our website, www.waxit.org.
We look forward to supporting our candidates through this election to gain as many seats as possible. We feel that many seats are winnable.
Please continue to share our publications as this will engage the community to build the movement.
We are looking forward to mid-January to share more exciting news with you all as we really start hitting the campaign trail and shake up Western Australian state politics.
In the meantime, we wish to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas over this festive period and all the very best for the New Year. The WAxit Party looks forward to your support into 2021.
Kind regards,
The WAxit Team